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3rd OptEEmAL Newsletter
- Editorial
- In the focus: Background information on the OptEEmAL approach
- Project news
- Upcoming events
- About OptEEmAL / Project ID / Contact
1. EditorialDear reader,
Welcome to our third OptEEmAL newsletter! As in previous editions, we want to share our latest news with you and give you an insight into the OptEEmAL project progress.
During the last months, we have worked a lot on the proper development of the platform. We are now immersed in preparing the first demonstrations of different modules of the platform that will be displayed to the whole consortium on the upcoming consortium meeting that will be held in Barcelona in April 2017.
This newsletter features many facets of the activities carried out within this period by the OptEEmAL work team. In this way, we present you three different interviews focussing on three fundamental aspects of OptEEmAL: the direct involvement of the end-users in the development process of the platform (featuring partners Habitech, Fomento San Sebastián and the city of Lund), the IPD approach as cornerstone of the OptEEmAL platform definition (featuring partner ACCIONA) and the integrated ontology-based District Data Model (DDM) as the vehicle to solve the "Tower of Babel" of the complex refurbishment projects.
We will also keep on presenting you our project team, highlighting this time three more partners as we have been doing in the previous newsletters. As usual, we give you notice of some events where OptEEmAL has been represented and upcoming events that can be of interest to you. Enjoy reading!
Miguel Ángel García and Susana Martín – OptEEmAL coordinators, CARTIF
2. In the focus: Background information on the OptEEmAL approach
Involvement of the users in the OptEEmAL project – The project’s multi-stakeholder approach |
A specialty of the OptEEmAL project is the direct involvement of the end-users in the development process of the platform: Three of the consortium members are directly in charge of designing retrofitting projects at district level. They play a central role in the design of the platform and an even more crucial one for its validation procedure. In an interview, the partners Habitech, Fomento San Sebastián and the city of Lund explain their roles, their contributions and their benefits from participating in the OptEEmAL project.→ read more |
Reducing time and costs – The OptEEmAL Platform and its links to the Integrated Project Delivery approach |
The so-called Integrated Project Delivery approach – or IPD approach – is at the core of the OptEEmAL platform. Currently, the OptEEmAL Optimised Energy Efficient Design Platform for refurbishment at district level is being developed by the project partners. Within this platform, the IPD approach ensures that all relevant stakeholders of building and district retrofitting projects are involved. But what defines the IPD approach? How exactly is it used within OptEEmAL? And what are its advantages and the expected savings? ACCIONA, the project partner responsible for coordinating the development of the stakeholder involvement through the IPD approach, provides some answers.→ read more |
Combining diverse data for building refurbishment projects in a District Data Model – an important step towards finding optimal solutions |
The OptEEmAL partners, under the lead of FUNITEC, are creating an integrated ontology-based District Data Model (DDM). This model will contain key information in the fields of energy, comfort, environment, economic and social wellbeing and urban morphology. FUNITEC explains how this complex approach works and why the District Data Model is so important for finding the best solution for refurbishment projects.→ read more |
3. Project News
Successful OptEEmAL partner meeting and 1st review meeting in Brussels |
In November 2016, the OptEEmAL partners met in Brussels. During a fruitful and intense third partner meeting, the consortium discussed the work that has taken place during the last six months of the project and worked on current technical issues. The second workshop on IPR and exploitation issues was carried out and the next working steps within the project were planned. During the first and successful review meeting with the European Commission, the partners presented the project results and current status of the project. |
Joint OptEEmAL-SWIMing Workshop on Interoperable data models for Building's Life Cycle Energy Management Processes
From 13th to 14th October 2016, the two projects OptEEmAL and SWIMing joined forces and organised a workshop on “Interoperable data models for Building's Life Cycle Energy Management Processes” in London. Over 25 participants discussed topics related to linked data and showed their own data and ontologies during the VoCamp. The research done within OptEEmAL was presented as one of the use cases.→ read more |
Get to know the OptEEmAL consortium
During the next years, 13 project partners from eight countries, under the coordination of Fundación CARTIF, will work on developing an Optimised Energy Efficient Design Platform that will help to improve the energy behaviour of a city district. In each newsletter, we present you three project partners – this time the United Technologies Research Centre, Expert System and ARGEDOR Information Technologies Ltd.
United Technologies Research CentreUnited Technologies Research Centre Ireland (UTRCI) delivers advanced technologies to the businesses of United Technologies Corporation – a diversified company that provides a broad range of high-technology products and services to the global aerospace and building systems industries. UTRCI applies its expertise in building/HVAC refurbishment, system-level control, system and component level modeling, optimisation and diagnostics to achieve OptEEmAL’s objectives and contributes to or leads different tasks across the project.→ read more |
Expert System
Developed by a team of professional linguists, programmers and language engineers, Expert System’s platform understands the semantic aspects of data and provides a conceptual representation of the meanings. Semantic analysis supports final users managing Big Unstructured Data for Open Source Intelligence. The Italian partner is thus mostly involved in the OptEEmAL platform design, modules and tools interoperability and final deployment.→ read more |
ARGEDOR Information Technologies Ltd.ARGEDOR, situated in Turkey, provides innovative information processing of and visualisation solutions for the information available worldwide, with high technology products and research and development projects to companies and end users. Geospatial urban planning and visualisation is a complex and important issue in 3D city model applications, where ARGEDOR's technologies support these applications to fundamental visualise the urban environment in different scales. ARGEDOR’s main tasks within OptEEmAL are based on the deployment of the Graphical User Interfaces for the platform.→ read more |
4. Past eventsOptEEmAL presented at European Conference on Product and Process Modelling (ECPPM), 07.-09.09.2016, Limassol, Cyprus ECPPM2016 was the 11th European Conference on Product & Process Modeling, the flagship conference event of the European Association of Product and Process Modeling. OptEEmAL was represented at the conference in three paper presentations on the topics: "A comprehensive ontologies-based framework to support retrofitting design of energy-efficient districts", "Simulation model generation combining IFC and CityGML data" and “Multiscale building modelling and energy simulation support tools".
OptEEmAL presented at Building Simulation & Optimization 2016, 12.-14.09.2016, Newcastle, UK The conference highlighted the advancements in simulation tools, optimisation techniques and building information modelling at building and micro-urban scale. OptEEmAL was presented at the conference in the presentation "Second-level space boundary topology generation from CityGML inputs".
5. Upcoming eventsWorld Sustainable Built Environment Conference (WSBE17), 05.-07.06.2017, Hong Kong The conference will celebrate the continual efforts and achievements of different regions of the world in terms of sustainable built environments of various scales, with a particular emphasis on urban neighbourhoods and buildings. Tecnalia will hold a presentation on OptEEmAL.
6. About OptEEmAL / Project ID / ContactOptEEmAL, a project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, will develop an Optimised Energy Efficient Design Platform able to design energy efficient retrofitting projects that are based on different energy conservation measures to improve the behaviour of a district. The tool will reduce time delivery and uncertainties and result in improved solutions when compared to business-as-usual practices. Under the coordination of Fundación CARTIF, 13 partners from 8 countries are working on delivering an optimised, integrated and systemic design based on an Integrated Project Delivery approach for building and district retrofitting projects. www.opteemal-project.euPROJECT IDDuration: 42 months (September 2015 – February 2019) Partners: 13 partners from 8 countries (France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Turkey), coordinated by Fundación CARTIF Call identifier: H2020-EeB-2014-2015 / H2020-EeB-2015 Topic: EeB-05-2015 Innovative design tools for refurbishment at building and district level. Contact OptEEmAL Project Coordinator: Fundación CARTIF Miguel Á. García-Fuentes E-Mail: miggar@cartif.esPhone: +34 983 546504 Susana Martín E-Mail: susmar@cartif.es Phone: +34 983 546504 OptEEmAL Communication and Dissemination Secretariat: Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum Lena Ohlig E-Mail: ohlig@steinbeis-europa.de Phone: +49 711 123 4033 Pictures: Fomento San Sebastián, http://it.wikipedia.org, Roger Berg |
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 680676. |
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Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum der Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH Lena Ohlig Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19 70174 Stuttgart Germany
+49 711 123 4033 ohlig@steinbeis-europa.de https://www.opteemal-project.eu CEO: M. Eng. Erik Burchardt Register: HRA 72 0289 Tax ID: DE190606404