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3rd OptEEmAL Newsletter

  • Editorial
  • In the focus: Background information on the OptEEmAL approach
  • Project news
  • Upcoming events
  • About OptEEmAL / Project ID / Contact

1. Editorial

Dear reader,

Welcome to our third OptEEmAL newsletter!
As in previous editions, we want to share our latest news with you and give you an insight into the OptEEmAL project progress. 

During the last months, we have worked a lot on the proper development of the platform. We are now immersed in preparing the first demonstrations of different modules of the platform that will be displayed to the whole consortium on the upcoming consortium meeting that will be held in Barcelona in April 2017. 

This newsletter features many facets of the activities carried out within this period by the OptEEmAL work team. In this way, we present you three different interviews focussing on three fundamental aspects of OptEEmAL: the direct involvement of the end-users in the development process of the platform (featuring partners Habitech, Fomento San Sebastián and the city of Lund), the IPD approach as cornerstone of the OptEEmAL platform definition (featuring partner ACCIONA) and the integrated ontology-based District Data Model (DDM) as the vehicle to solve the "Tower of Babel" of the complex refurbishment projects. 

We will also keep on presenting you our project team, highlighting this time three more partners as we have been doing in the previous newsletters. As usual, we give you notice of some events where OptEEmAL has been represented and upcoming events that can be of interest to you. Enjoy reading!

Miguel Ángel García and Susana Martín – OptEEmAL coordinators, CARTIF

2. In the focus: Background information on the OptEEmAL approach

Involvement of the users in the OptEEmAL project – The project’s multi-stakeholder approach